Garden City Temporary Bus Shelter

Fielding International Project - Summer 2021
Project Team: Samuel Hogg

The students who attended Garden City Elementary School needed to use a new learning space during the construction of their new building, and the district came up with a bussing plan to transport the students to and from the swing space from a location in their neighborhood. The Chief of Facilities Management and Capital Projects at Cranston Public Schools asked that I design a temporary bus shelter so that Garden City students have a safe place with protection from the weather for the pick-up location. He also wanted the small structure to be expressive and a good representation of the qualities of the new building design.

The design is a simple post and rail structure of inexpensive dimensional lumber that sits lightly on the ground. Translucent corrugated plastic panels were used to sheath the roof to protect students from the sun and rain. Clear corrugated plastic panels were used to enclose the walls on three sides to protect them from wind.